07/30/2019 SOURCE: CIPER CHILE Additional Information Illegal adoptions: 141 mothers have already been reunited with the children they took from them at birth A dozen hotels in the central area…
07/30/2019 SOURCE: CIPER CHILE Additional Information Illegal adoptions: 141 mothers have already been reunited with the children they took from them at birth A dozen hotels in the central area…
04.06.2019Fuente: https://ciperchile.cl/2019/06/04/adopciones-ilegales-141-madres-ya-se-han-reencontrado-con-los-hijos-que-les-arrebataron-al-nacer/ Información adicional Los niños dados por muertos que el cura Gerardo Joannon entregó para adopciónVer link En febrero pasado el magistrado Mario Carroza sacudió al país al informar…